Jasmine Tests
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Quick Question 1

What does the following code return?

        new Set([1,1,2,2,3,4])
        //(4) [1, 2, 3, 4]
        //Made a function for this:
        const question_1 = function() {
          const set = new Set([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]);
          return Array.from(set);

Quick Question 2

What does the following code return?

        [...new Set("referee")].join("")

        //Made a function for thescript
        const question_2 = function() {
          const result = [...new Set("referee")].join("");
          return result;

Quick Question 3

What does the map m? look like

        let m = new Map();
        m.set([1,2,3], true);
        m.set([1,2,3], false);
        //Map(2) {(3) [1, 2, 3] => true, (3) [1, 2, 3] => false}

        //Made a function for this
        const question_3 = function() {
          let m = new Map();
          m.set([1,2,3], true);
          m.set([1,2,3], false);
          return m;
          //Map(2) {(3) [1, 2, 3] => true, (3) [1, 2, 3] => false}


Write a function called hasDuplicate which accepts an array and returns true or false if that array contains a duplicate

        const hasDuplicate = function(arr) {
          const set = new Set(arr);
          return set.size !== arr.length;


Write a function called vowelCount which accepts a string and returns a map where the keys are numbers and the values are the count of the vowels in the string.

        const vowelCount = function(str) {
          const vowels = new Map([
              ['a', 0],
              ['e', 0],
              ['i', 0],
              ['o', 0],
              ['u', 0]
          const lowStr = str.toLowerCase();
          for(element of Array.from(lowStr)) {
              let vowel = vowels.get(element);
              if(vowel != undefined) {
                  vowels.set(element, ++vowel);
          //Now remove unused vowels
          vowels.forEach((value, key) => {
              if(value === 0)vowels.delete(key);
          return vowels;


        describe("hasDuplicate(Array)", () => {
          it("Returns true if the array has duplicate, otherwise false", () => {

        describe("vowelCount(String)", () => {
          it("Returns a map where the keys are vowles and the values are the number of occurences", () => {
            let m1 = new Map([['a',1],['e',2],['o',1]]);    //Vowels for "Awesome"
            let m2 = new Map([['o',1]]);    //Vowels for "Awesome"

Jasmine Testing